

Welcome to Yecart Outragous's web site. Here you will be able to see personal hand made adornments designed by Tracey Schultz. Each piece is carefully designed, crafted from a fine selection of materials, and checked for flaws before becoming a showable piece. The jewelry line has a wide range of adornments including earrings, bracelets, necklaces, wedding jewelry, cufflinks, found object pendants, wacky rings, and many others. When designing a piece she tries to focus on one specific element and add components that flatter that particular element. There is large variety of materials including natural stones, glass beads, swarvorski crystal, mixed metals, and when possible recycled items are used to create finished pieces.

The pictures to the left will take you to each of the albums, which contain pictures and information about the personal adornments. If you happen to come upon something you like, please click on the ordering link where you find information on how to make a purchase. If your imagination runs wild while looking at the beautiful adornments and you think of something you want custom made, please contact Tracey at or (414) 380-6662.

If you are interested in learning more about the artist or Yecart Outragous please click the about link at the top of the page. The shows and shops that contain Yecart Outragous creations are listed under the shows and shops link. On the contact page you will find the direct contact information of Tracey Schultz, the creator of Yecart Outragous and links to sites such as etsy, ebay, and others where she displays more of her work. Enjoy your artful venturing!!!